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Save with Weekly Deals from the Markets at Shrewsbury
Our merchants hand-pick seasonal savings every week for our visitors. View our weekly deals below.
thurs. 9am - 5pm fri. 9am - 6pm sat. 8am - 4pm
Amity Junction Café
Small Peaches & Cream
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Beiler's Candy Shoppe
$10 PER LB.
Chocolate Fudge
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Bricker's French Fries
Can of Soda OR Bottled Water With Purchase of a Jumbo Fry
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Country Style Family Deli
Check Out Our Weekly Specials
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Country Style Fresh Meats
Visit Our Merchant Stand to See Our Weekly Special.
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Country Style Family Deli Luncheonette
Check Out Our Weekly Specials
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Glick's Produce
Quarts of Apples
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Old Republic Distillery
Save $5 Off a Bundle of Any Two Bottles.
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Olde Fashioned Pretzel Haus
$5.00 EACH
Sausage, Cheese, Peppers & Onion Pretzels
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Ruthie's Bakery
Free Single Whoopie Pie
With $20.00 Purchase
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Sara's Jar Goods
10% OFF
Apple Butter
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
The Salad Shack
$2.00 OFF
Large Prepared Salads
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
That Pig Place
10% OFF
Purchases of $10 or More
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
The Clothing Wearhouse
$5.00 DEAL
Head Wraps
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.
Trailside Bulk Foods & Creamery
$1.00 OFF
Hot Chocolate Mixes
Must present coupon. Not valid with other offers or specials. Coupon valid through 02/22/2025. Coupon is subject to change.